MARIANA CARVALHO/work/about/contact

São Paulo, Brazil, 1994. Performer, sound artist, musician, researcher. Living in Berlin.

voices, listening, eating, distance, relation, text, body, materials, contact, gender, internal, letters, nylon,
prepared piano, eutony, improvisation, installation.

Master student at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK Berlin (2020-24).
Tutor at Soundscape Project TUB Berlin (2021-23).
Member of Sonora - músicas e feminismos (2016 -).
Part of Comitê Escondido Johann Fatzer, theatre company (2019 -)
Some collaborations: Meg Stuart and Doug Weiss, Paula Sanchez, Zach Hart.

Bachelor in piano at Universidade de São Paulo (2013-17).
part of NuSom - Research Centre on Sonology of USP (2017-20).
Embodied memory: LODE, (2022-24), Orquestra Errante (2013-20), Coro Profana (2014-18), Camerata Profana (2013-16).
Artist resident in Aqtushetii (2022), Dystopie/Somarumor festivals (2021), Q-O2 (2019), AADK Spain (2018).
Works exhibited at Errant Sound, Dystopie - Berlin Sound Art Festival, Sons de Silício (Br) and at Sur Aural Festival (Bol).
Performances in Brazil, Latin America and Europe, i.e. ImPulstanz Festival, SESC Jazz, MAM-Rio, CASo (Arg), GIO Fest (UK),  Centro Párraga (Esp), George Enescu Museum (Ro), CS Fest (Pt), Tsonami Festival (Chi), FLADEM (Arg, Br, Mex).

photo by Ana Iramain

Between sound art, experimental music and performance art, I work with the body, interactions and limits between bodies, mostly through sound. I explore internal listening, contact, distance and different ways of co-mingling through technological mediation. I use voice, improvisation, hybrid compositional methods, self-built instruments, text, prepared piano, and different microphone and speaker arrangements involving transducers, binaural microphones, hydrophones and very small speakers.

I am particularly concerned with how vibration propagates in different mediums: bones, flesh, thread, water, glass etc. I am interested in how bodies are constituted, assembled and how they change with what passes through them. I often use voice in this research, reflecting upon situatedness, identity, poetics, somatics, perception, relationality, collectivity and materiality.

I have been collecting and eating voices for the last four years in my project me alimento de voces. It is a project where I ingest speakers or vocalize mouth-to-mouth, involving performativity, composition, text, writing, mail art, voice archives and participation.

I like to create relational devices for interaction and to work with other disciplines. Collaboration is a big part of my work.